A Love Letter to You

This has been a tough week. For everyone.

Blue. Red. Somewhere in between. Wherever your political stance lies, I think the bigger picture is that it appears that we live in a divided world. 

And I'm sure you have spent your time feeling a myriad of emotions. I know I have. And most have you have probably gone about your day like always because...well...you're not quite sure what else to do.

And you know I'm alllll about feeling the feels. So please, DO THAT. Cry if you need to. But once you have, make a decision to focus on what you CAN do.

Instead of spreading MORE hate, spread LOVE.

Instead of lashing out at a family member that doesn't share your views, remember that they too are human and are doing the best they can under their given circumstances.

When we focus on the troubles of the world, we shape and condition our inner world, but the opposite is also true. If we focus on our LIGHT, it has the power to transform the world around us. This is a practice. One that is easier to do when we work together with other light beings. When we share our own light, it is amplified and supports others in shifting their focus towards their essence, revealing the majesty of their numinous presence. This is how we can transform our outer world. 

So I want to encourage you to be a LIGHT. For yourself. For others. Because goodness knows, we need it now more than ever.

Below I have listed some of favorite practices for transforming the darkness and returning to the light. We have the ability to move mountains. To shine bright. Let's do it TOGETHER. Ok, beautiful?

Xo Amanda

Some Suggested Practices for Harnessing the Light Inside of You: 

Get Moving

Go outside. Take a breath of fresh air. Walk. Run. Kick serious ass at your workout. Do some yoga. Just MOVE. And remind yourself that you are still HERE. 

Our Voice

What comes out of our mouths is what shapes the world we live in, and ourselves, really. When we practice focusing our conversations on the beauty, joy and abundance that surrounds us on this beautiful planet the world becomes more beautiful. The story of the future is the one that is coming out of our mouths today. 

Right Action

What if we focused on bringing beauty to all we say, do and see in the world? A good place to start is to list all the ways we ARE beautiful and filled with light. Focus your energy THERE.  

Stop Listening to the News

I know this is hard. I used to think I had to know everything about what’s going on in the world. But, if you need to know something, it will come to you. What is important is looking for you. When we focus on the mystery and wonder of the world it changes us and as we change the world around us changes. 

Look for the  Light in Everyone

I read this quote and it really spoke to me right now. Not sure the source, but I'll let it speak for itself...

"Even the people who we feel have committed unforgivable crimes were born into the light. By seeing them in their Divine essence we heal our own darkness and open the door for them to transform. That doesn’t mean we don’t stand up against injustice and untruth, that is part of being a light in dark times. What we look for shapes what we see."

Practice Gratitude

When we practice giving thanks our whole world transforms. Keep a gratitude journal and practice recognizing and verbally acknowledging the people and things that bring joy into your life. 

*I learned a new practice to get to sleep recently: Go through the alphabet and think of something that you are grateful for that starts with each letter. I have yet to get through the alphabet and have been waking up more positive and refreshed. 

Set Your Intention

Everything starts with a clear intention. What kind of life do you want to be living? Use anything that seems in opposition to your intent as a doorway to locating and transforming the actions that are contrary to your intention. Intention can move mountains. Be willing to go into the dark to find your light. 

Read and Reflect on Personal Development

 It all started with my interest in finding quotes, poems and writing that could inspire me to overcome my inner shit talker. And now? I can't go a day without it. It may seem "woo woo", but I promise you, if you dedicate 10 minutes of your day to personal development, you will grow and SHINE.  

Take the time to Grieve when it’s Appropriate

It takes an enormous amount of energy to suppress our pain. To really step into our light we must have compassion for the pain of the world. Authentic grieving leads to appropriate action. It wakes us up to new possibilities and creative ways of bringing them into fruition.