From Insecure to Scary Skinny to Strong & Happy

If there's one thing I've learned on my health & fitness journey, it's THIS:

Focus on how you want to FEEL, not how you want to LOOK.

When I started out on my path to a healthy lifestyle, I wanted results FAST. I was a size 10, felt perpetually sluggish and I kept thinking: "If I could just be skinny, then I would be happy." So I started a quick fix slim down program (you can read more about my thoughts on Quick fixes HERE) & I became a cardio junkie, started counting my calories (pretty sure I spent more time on that calorie counting app than I did texting my friends), deemed any type of carb completely off limits and my entire day/ emotional energy revolved around my 2 hour long workouts & figuring out what I could eat with my limited meal choices.

In about a month, I started seeing weight come off faster than I ever have (little did I know at the time that it was because my body wasn't at all getting what it needed to function!) I felt "good" that I was seeing changes, but my energy was at an all time low and I didn't have much of a life outside of my fitness world because it took up so much of my freaking time.  Between working out for at least an hour and a half every single day, taking two showers because I would get two workouts in and then drinking copious amounts of water to curb my grumbling tummy and running to the bathroom every half hour, I didn't have time to enjoy my life. Plain and simple, I was not happy.

Fast forward to a year later -- I had gained all that weight back, and then some. The summer of 2013 was the worst summer of my life. You know when you are SO overwhelmed with life that all you can do is cry and eat your feelings? Well, that pretty much summed up my summer. I literally would spend every day crying. I felt worthless and I didn't recognize the person that was in front of me. And, since I still had such a negative relationship with food, I resorted to eating everything and anything in front of me because that was the only thing that "made me feel better". Pints of Ben & Jerrys half baked, a pan of brownies, a bag of peanut m&ms, an entire bag of Target trail mix -- you name it, I ate it.

But with the help of my now husband Kevan, I got help. I started seeing a therapist and I slowly but surely came out of the deep dark hole I had been living in. I started working out again, and this time, I knew I had to come at it from a different approach. I never wanted to feel like that weak girl again - I needed to feel strong

The past six months, I have learned SO much about how to not only feel confident in my own skin and look the way I always wanted, but how to FEEL AMAZING from the inside out. I've learned to Love my Body. And through my journey with becoming a Beachbody coach, I've gained so much freedom

Freedom to make choices that LIBERATE me instead of LIMIT me.

Freedom to eat so many incredible foods (carbs included) and knowing that indulging is okay!

Freedom to become the strong, beautiful woman I always knew was inside of me.

Do you ever feel like...

  • You are tired, sluggish, and drained.
  • You’re uncomfortable in your own skin.
  • You struggle with consistency and having a routine.
  • You’re sick of depriving yourself of food for results.
  • You’re done feeling guilty for that extra glass of wine on girls’ nights, or that beer watching football with your man, or that juicy steak you want! 
  • You’ve hit a plateau in your fitness journey and need an extra push. 
  • You’re frustrated with what the number on the scale is telling you.
  • You are ready to LOVE your body instead of being ashamed of it, but don't know where to begin.
  • You want to be supported by a group of like minded women that just "get" who you are?

And you want to...

  • Feel confident and comfortable in your own skin
  • Make healthy living a FUN adventure
  • Find FREEDOM from restrictive diets that cause you anxiety and make you feel deprived

Then girl, you are just like me and holy balls, you were meant to read this. And guess what? I created this experience just for YOU so that we can share in this journey together :)



  • Group + individual online accountability in our private Facebook community to share your journey with ladies on the same path!

  • A community of badass, supportive women who will become some of your bestest friends.

  • Daily check ins with ME as your coach. I'll be there for you to help keep you feel inspired and motivated!

  • A resource vault with recipe e-books, meal planning strategies, and all the information you need to feel successful and prepared.

  • A real food nutrition plan and workout strategy that’s customized to fit YOU. Whether you’re a single girl in the city, a busy working mom, want to lose a few holiday lbs, get over your sugar addiction, or just feel great in your skin -- I've gotchu girl.

  • 30 all-natural superfood shakes to cover all your nutritional needs, give you energy, and help curb cravings.

  • A membership with Beachbody On Demand. Aka Netflix for workouts -- it's AMAZEBALLS, and you don't have to leave your house to get an amazing group fitness workout, right in your living room!

  • Lifetime access to me as your coach, because girl, once you're in, you're in FOR LIIIIFE.


Beautiful girl, it's time to invest in YOURSELF. 

To put yourself first & find your HAPPY. If you choose to join me, I will be your LADY FOR LIFE. Changes don't happen overnight (and I'm the first to admit that!), but TOGETHER, I promise you will get to feeling like the confident, strong and GORGEOUS GAL you crave to be.

Are you excited? Nervous? WITH ME? Because I am here with you, every single step of the way. I’ll not only be participating in this Challenge right along-side you, but I will be your one on one personal coach, encouraging, guiding you and constantly reminding you that you are worthy of your dreams.

I know it's scary to make a change. And the first step is always the hardest. But I promise you that it is worth it. YOU ARE WORTH IT. 

I believe in you -- now it's time for you to believe in YOU too, lady love.

After you submit your application, I'll be in touch with ya via email to chat about your goals, make sure that I'm the right gal for you to help you on your journey & create a bangin' plan that meets your needs! No upfront commitment expected at all ;)

I cannot freaking wait to get to know you!

Xo Amanda