Find your Tribe, Love them hard

I am bursting with Joy from every single ounce of me.  

I've been seriously trying to write this post all day, but you know when your heart is SO FULL and you have SO MUCH TO SAY that it feels impossible to say anything at all? That's where I'm at. But I'm gonna give it a go anyhooo because I just can't hold any of this in anymore. (Ha! Dorkazoraus. Deal with it!)

This past week, I got to spend time with some of the amazing gals on my Coaching team, Team Inspire Joy, at Beachbody's annual convention in Nashville. Most of these gals are ladies I'd never actually met in person (although we have weekly conference calls -- aka live video chats with wine -- yup, being a Girlboss is kinda the but from the minute I bear hugged them and we had our first night in our house, it felt like I'd known them forever.  

For a little less than a year now, I've been pursuing a dream that I never imagined I would ever see come to fruition -- a vision that I always KNEW was possible but for so long never had the COURAGE to say "Yes I can" and fucking go for it. I always thought that being a health & fitness coach would be an amazing career path. I'm an actor, and while I am sooo blessed to be working as an actor in the city of Chicago, it's the unglamorous but sad truth that I need a day job (or many) in order to pay my bills. When I graduated school, I found whatever job I could get. I worked at call centres, found nanny gigs, dog walked, taught theatre classes, gave Segway tour guides -- you name it, I did it. And most of the time, I had 5 day jobs going at once, and it was EXHAUSTING.

And the worst part? I wasn't happy.

Enter the amazing Anna Locke -- the gal I stalked from afar for too long (she blogged OK?!? It's okay to stalk a blogger....haha) and the gal who had all the things I wanted (aka the freedom to be her own boss and live a LIFE BY DESIGN). After months of knowing her from afar and meeting her a couple of times in group settings, I finally had the courage to talk to her.

I NEEDED A CHANGE. I wanted to Be more. Do more. But I was scared shitless. Sound familiar?

I've been super transparent about my issues with feeling enough -- ahhhh that word -- you feel that way too?

Never good enough? Pretty enough? Smart enough? Capable enough? 

It's something soo many of the ladies that I work with deal with (and girl, it's still something I still deal with), but here's the thing I've learned -- if we let this FEAR hold us back, we will never be able to access our BEST SELVES.

Is it scary to jump? Hell yes. It's curl up into a ball-ahhh-what-if-i-fail-my-heart-is-going-to-explode feeling. But isn't it SO much better to FEEL THE FEAR and do it anyways than to just float on by with the status quo and never realize your TRUE POTENTIAL? I say FUCK YES.

In fact, I am living a FUCK YES LIFE every single goddamn day because I faced my motha-fucking-fear and said YES to putting myself first. To a life of FREEDOM, LIGHT and COMMUNITY.

I'm not gonna lie, it was not an easy decision for me to make. I had seeerious reservations about Beachbody and wanted to be pursuing something that felt 100% authentic to me. Because, here's the thing, with me? What you see is what you get? I will tell it to you straight. I'm honest to a fault and I value INTEGRITY. So I did my research and I took the leap of faith, still honestly terrified.

And you know what happened? All those fears went away.

And going to Nashville confirmed EVERYTHING for me. THIS is where I'm supposed to be. Surrounded by a community of likeminded gals who just GET ME. Getting to be my own freaking CEO and live life on my terms. And above all, getting to help other women find their FUCK YES lives too. Because we all deserve to do more than just dream -- we deserve to be LIVING OUR DREAMS. And to be happy and healthy from the inside out. 

And now? Now I'm not crying at night because I'm tired. Exhausted. Burnt out. And I'm just trying to get through the day.

Now? I'm crying happy tears because I am just so dang grateful.

**and there I go, being a blubbering mess AGAIN **

Ok, ok, get it together Amanda. Your people need you!!!!!

All of this is to say: You know that saying "Find Your Tribe, Love them Hard"? Well, there's a reason it's in the universe because it is SO key. Because the second you surround yourself with gals who are just like you -- who you don't have to explain yourself to because they get it -- who will dance with you in the aisles of a conference centre because that's just how you do -- who you can spend HOURS laughing with -- gals who RAISE YOU UP and constantly inspire you to be the BEST & BRIGHTEST version of you? There is nothing better in this world.

So find your tribe.

And don't be afraid to LEAP. You deserve to feel this amazing.

And if you've been watching me from afar and keep thinking to yourself, "Damn, these are my kind of girls" or "I just want MORE with my life" -- then this is your sign. I double dog dare you to face your fears and message me, The worst thing that happens? You say YES to opening a door to your best life and your best self. 

You are so loved. And you are so shiny & bright.

Xo Love love love, Amanda

My Latest Obsession

If you follow my Facebook page, you know that I've been doing something a little different with my workouts for the month of July. Normally, I need a super specific schedule for my workouts -- working through a complete program (like the 21 day Fix!) has been the only way I have been able to fully COMMIT to something so the idea of switching things up for me was suuuuper scary and intimidating. 

That being said, I am always up for pushing my boundaries and after completing 22 minute Hard Corps, I decided I would do the Beachbody on Demand Challenge du Jour. 

What's Beachbody on Demand? Only the greatest thing since Netflix.

But for realsies. It's basically like Netflix for Beachbody on Demand...what?! Crazy sauce. And every day, there is a Challenge of the Day posted that you can join in on the fun with! So, I figured I'd check it out and you GUYS, it's been such a fucking blast. 

I figured I'd share a sneak peek of what my first 5 days looked like!!! I will say that not every workout was my favorite, but I really liked getting to check out different programs and while I thought the element of surprise would stress me out, I actually liked getting up every morning and going OK, what do you got for me today, BOD? 

Awesome. Sauce.


Day 1: Cize Live

Workout style: Hip Hop Cardio dance FOR THE WIN. This shit was SOOOO MUCH FUN. I was laughing, I was making weird faces & I didn't care that I probably looked ridiculous because I was getting such an amazing workout and having FUN while doing it. That's what it should be all about, am I right?!

Info: 30 minutes, no equipment needed

Verdict: LOVED it, so so much. Got SUPAH sweaty & burned a solid 300 calories. What whaaaat.

Day 2: Hammer Power

Workout Style: This was a really solid strength workout and holy shiiiit could I feel it the next day. This particular workout was all about a small amount of reps with heavier weights. If you're looking to really sculpt your bod, Hammer & Chisel is definitely where it's at. Can't wait to try this program in full :) 

Info: 40 minutes, a set of lighter weights (I used 8-10 lbs) and a set of medium weights (I used 12.5-15 lbs) and a resistance band or towel for the warmup!

Verdict: Other than Sagi's annoying voice (HA!), I really loved pushing myself. I used to be sooo terrified that working with heavier weights would make me bulk up, but after starting to up my weights, it's only helped me tone up, get leaner and above all, get stronger! Really think I'm going to have to give this program a whirl.

Day 3: Rev Abs

Workout: Usually ab work is not the toughest for me, but man oh man did I LOVE this one. My abs were being fired in places they don't usually feel it and I also really loved that there was some cardio mixed in to keep it interesting. A solid ab workout FOR SURE.

Info: 40 minutes, one medium weight needed (I used 10 lbs)

Verdict: If you're looking for something that's focused on core work, this one's pretty good. I will say that I liked the Core workouts from 22 minute hard corps much more and those were significantly shorter workouts so overall, not my favorite, but it was fun to checkout!

Day 4: 22 Minute Hard Corps

Workout: Short, intense and holy balls was I SWEATING by the end of it. Never thought 22 minutes could give such a solid workout. This one was Cardio 1 from the program (which I have done before!) and I still love it as much as I did when I started it. Bootcamp feel, military inspired, FAST.

Info: 22 minutes in length, this particular one you didn't need any equipment but for the resistance workouts, you need a set of weights (I used 8/10 lbs) and a resistance band.

Verdict: Still love this program as much as I did when I started it. Definitely going to keep it in my repertoire :)

Day 5: PiYo Lower Body

Workout: High intensity musically driven workout, using the fundamentals of Pilates and Yoga but with dynamic movements to get your heart racing! (Aka definitely NOT yoga -- you do burpees and shit in Piyo! Haha)

Info: 30 minutes in length, all you need is a yoga mat and yourself!

Verdict: I am a PiYo Junkie, so I knew I'd love this one. I actually got certified a few months ago to teach this as a fitness class because I love the program so much. It's amazing because it's a perfect balance of stretch, strength and agility, and you don't need any equipment to do it so I can literally take my workout to the park with me if I want (which I do!!)


Wanna join in on the fun with the

Challenge du Jour?


CONTACT ME and say "Hey girl! Let's be Challenge Du Jour accoutability buddies!" and I'll hook you up with a link to get started for free! 

5 Ways to Stay on Track this Summer

Summer used to TERRIFY me. 

Bikini season, shorts weather -- all things that would literally make my skin crawl because HELL NO would you ever catch me in either of those. I was ashamed of my body, would cover up my arms with sweaters despite the heat and used to go swimming in a t-shirt because at least then my stomach wouldn't show. I was the girl who would go shopping for summer clothes with my Mom (ugh, bathing suits were the WORST) and have breakdowns in the changing room because I couldn't fit into anything and felt gross.

You too? 

It's a feeling that followed me around for so long that even now that I feel confident in my own skin, once summer starts to hit, my stomach drops. Those feelings come rushing back and my mind goes to: "Ok, Amanda, how can you get bikini ready?" .... AS IF THAT'S A THING. 

According to the media, the only way to be "bikini ready" is to have six pack abs & be tanned. Well, I fit into neither of those categories (I wear sunscreen like it's my JOB so this gal is pretty pasty and proud of it!) and I would say just the nature alone of me wearing a bikini makes me bikini I digress. And I'm getting away from my point as I tend to do (ha! you love my rambles, don't deny it). So I'll hop back on track...

Summer. The season of weddings, bbqs, roadtrips, traveling, outdoor festivals, patio living and pretty much all the amazing things ever -- all the things which also make it SUPER hard to maintain a healthy lifestyle.

Now don't get me wrong, I am ALL about indulging in a glass on sangria, an Oberon on the porch and chocolate wedding cake, because LIVE YOUR LIFE, am I right? But ultimately, my goal is to FEEL AMAZING and when I start drinking more often and eating less healthy options, I start to feel like shit.

So I made a list of ways to help myself stay on track this summer, despite the many crazy events and traveling that I'll be doing and you KNOW I'm allll about sharing, so I figured I'd share my tips with you! Hopefully it'll help you stay on track with your goals :)


5 Ways to Stay on Track this Summer

1. Stay Hydrated

With the heat in the summer months, it's more important than EVER to keep your body hydrated. You're losing more water than you normally do (yup, that's what sweating does!) so you should be upping your water intake to make up for it. General rule of thumb? At LEAST 8 glasses of water a day. A lot of the time, I find that my body is really just needing water but I mistake that for needing food -- up your hydration level and it'll be easier to stay on track with your daily food intake, your skin will clear up and you'll feel more energized!

Tired of boring old water? Infuse it with fruit and herbs! My personal favorite combination at the moment is grapefruit and mint! I also am obsessed with La Croix sparkling water -- try the Coconut one ;) 

2. Walk everywhere

It's finally NICE out and girl, unless there's a heat warning, you have no excuse not to get your booty outside and WALK! Even if you don't live in a bustling city where it's easy to get places by foot, make it a priority to get at least a 30 minute walk in every day. Maybe grab your favorite podcast and incorporate it into your morning me time or take a stroll with your hubby after dinner and catch up on your days. 

Get those steps in, girl! And soak up the gorgeous summer days while you can!

3. Be a Perfect Guest

You know all those BBQs and family dinners where you feel like you show up, are planning to stay on track and WHOOPS, no healthy choices? Chances are, the host isn't thinking about you while they're building their menu and why should they?! Hot dogs and hamburgers are easy to feed a bunch of people and they're already going out of their way! SO, be a good guest and offer to bring something -- most people will be so grateful for the help and BONUS, you can choose to make something that you are happy to eat :) Make a big ol' salad, bring a veggie tray, whatever! 

4. Set yourself up for Success

I know traveling can be the TOUGHEST thing to deal with because sometimes we have no control over things but can we do our best? Hell yes! Here are some of my favorite go-tos...

For roadtrips: Pack a bunch of healthy snacks to munch on and PRE PLAN where you'll be stopping for lunch. Check out the menu and make sure there's an option that you are happy with.

For traveling in general: Go to the grocery store and pick up some healthy options to have on hand -- fresh fruit, carrot sticks, bars, raw almonds (that way, you can fill up on healthy options and keep your veggie and fruit intake strong!)

5. Have FUN!

Summer is FILLED with possibilities and ways to be active. So go on that hike you've been wanting to do. Dance your butt off at every single wedding you're at. Bike to and from the festivals you're checking out. Go throw a frisbee in the park. Don't just lay on your towel at the beach -- go swimming, build a sandcastle, play chicken with your friends --- whatever!

ENJOY yourself and live your life, girl. And remember, you are gorgeous, just the way you are. 

You are soooo loved,

Xo Amanda

How I Stopped Wearing Busy as a Badge of Honor

I know, I know, you're BUSY. 

Girl, I get it. I've been right where you are, running around like a chicken with your head cut off, feeling like you have no fucking time to do anything. 

You're exhausted.

You're burnt out.

And you're just need a break.

Sound familiar?

If you're anything like me, then the answer is a resounding YES. And for so long, I was PROUD of how busy I was. I'd be on the phone with my best friends and they'd ask me what I've been up to and I would say "oh, you know, just super busy!" -- I know you do the same, girl. Hell, we've been taught to embrace the hustle, right? 

"Just keep trudging along!"

"Good things come to those who hustle"


Well, here's what I've learned after wearing the Busy Badge of Honor for FAR TOO LONG:


 Hustling is not fun. Hustling does not spark JOY in my life.

It makes me tired. And irritable. And those are the last things that I want to feel in life.


Six months ago, I got SO BURNT OUT from being Busy all the fucking time (and not spending time on the things that really made me HAPPY) that I had a full fledged breakdown. Scratch that -- try multiple breakdowns. I was so busy hustling my way through life, making plan after plan, saying YES to everything that I forgot to make time for the things that really mattered to me. 

I forgot to make my DREAM LIFE a priority.


And shouldn't that be our focus? I mean, hell, we were put on this earth to LIVE, right? Not coast and come to the end of our years to look back and think, "Wow, what a busy life I led."


I want to look back and remember the CHANCES I took. The FUN I had. The ADVENTURES I went on. The LOVE & FRIENDSHIP I experienced. The LIGHT, JOY AND FULL life I led.

Not a boring, jam packed exhausting life that left me wondering what I could have done differently if I had just made time for it.


So, I did a crazy thing. I quit my job(s) and started my own business where I get to be my own boss and have the FREEDOM to get work done on my own time.


Every day, I get to SOAK UP my morning, get my workout in, take a leisurely shower, enjoy a beautiful big breakfast while reading a book with a cup of Buddha's Blend tea in my owl mug and spend an hour journaling before I start my day.

Every day, I get to spend my day in yoga pants. I can go for afternoon dates with friends whenever I choose and plan a last minute trip home for a week without having to ask someone else's permission. 


Now, don't get me wrong, I'm not telling you to quit your job.

I mean, by all means, if you are not loving what you're doing and you're feeling super burnt out and you just are looking for a change, then girl, maybe it's time for a change of pace (and if you'd like to see how I managed to start living my FUCK YES life, Click here !) 


What I am saying is that I want to EMPOWER you to start making time for the things that make you happy. I'm still working on this (yep, I may be my own Girlboss now, but I am an overachiever and still have to WORK at making time for the things that light me up), so hold me accountable too, lady love, ok?


5 Ways to Keep the Busy at Bay

1. Wake up 30 minutes before you normally would. Light a candle, pull out a journal and start your day with gratitude or read something inspirational. Doing this in the morning can have such an incredible effect on your mindset for the rest of the day! Try it, I dare ya.

2. Have an especially stressful day at work filled with to-do tasks? Take yourself on a 15 minute walk outside. Studies show that getting fresh air and your blood pumping will actually allow you to focus so much better than trying to power through. 

3. Say NO. Yep, you heard me, and girl, it's OK to say no sometimes. You HAVE to prioritize yourself, and if you're constantly saying yes to every event, dinner date, extra project and task, you are going to drive yourself bonkers! You are not superwoman, and nobody expects you to be!

4. Schedule time into your calendar and title it "Me time" every single day. Treat it like an appointment. You wouldn't miss a meeting or your doctors appointment, right? Your me-time is just as important, if not MORE so, so make it a non negotiable and WRITE IT DOWN.

5. Build healthy, sustainable habits by grabing your FREE Busy Babes Guide to Healthy Living E-book to rock out your health and fitness journey in a STRESS FREE, and efficient way -- ya know, so you can live your freaking life and not have to stress about this shit either ;) 


“Some people never get a chance or give themselves a chance of celebrating life. All they do is work and work and work more. They never celebrate their own life or enjoy this gift called life.

Thats why they are always worried, complaining, stressed and busy. They have everything going for them, but missing the pleasures and benefits of living. Why work so hard if you cant enjoy what you have worked for.” 


From Insecure to Scary Skinny to Strong & Happy

If there's one thing I've learned on my health & fitness journey, it's THIS:

Focus on how you want to FEEL, not how you want to LOOK.

When I started out on my path to a healthy lifestyle, I wanted results FAST. I was a size 10, felt perpetually sluggish and I kept thinking: "If I could just be skinny, then I would be happy." So I started a quick fix slim down program (you can read more about my thoughts on Quick fixes HERE) & I became a cardio junkie, started counting my calories (pretty sure I spent more time on that calorie counting app than I did texting my friends), deemed any type of carb completely off limits and my entire day/ emotional energy revolved around my 2 hour long workouts & figuring out what I could eat with my limited meal choices.

In about a month, I started seeing weight come off faster than I ever have (little did I know at the time that it was because my body wasn't at all getting what it needed to function!) I felt "good" that I was seeing changes, but my energy was at an all time low and I didn't have much of a life outside of my fitness world because it took up so much of my freaking time.  Between working out for at least an hour and a half every single day, taking two showers because I would get two workouts in and then drinking copious amounts of water to curb my grumbling tummy and running to the bathroom every half hour, I didn't have time to enjoy my life. Plain and simple, I was not happy.

Fast forward to a year later -- I had gained all that weight back, and then some. The summer of 2013 was the worst summer of my life. You know when you are SO overwhelmed with life that all you can do is cry and eat your feelings? Well, that pretty much summed up my summer. I literally would spend every day crying. I felt worthless and I didn't recognize the person that was in front of me. And, since I still had such a negative relationship with food, I resorted to eating everything and anything in front of me because that was the only thing that "made me feel better". Pints of Ben & Jerrys half baked, a pan of brownies, a bag of peanut m&ms, an entire bag of Target trail mix -- you name it, I ate it.

But with the help of my now husband Kevan, I got help. I started seeing a therapist and I slowly but surely came out of the deep dark hole I had been living in. I started working out again, and this time, I knew I had to come at it from a different approach. I never wanted to feel like that weak girl again - I needed to feel strong

The past six months, I have learned SO much about how to not only feel confident in my own skin and look the way I always wanted, but how to FEEL AMAZING from the inside out. I've learned to Love my Body. And through my journey with becoming a Beachbody coach, I've gained so much freedom

Freedom to make choices that LIBERATE me instead of LIMIT me.

Freedom to eat so many incredible foods (carbs included) and knowing that indulging is okay!

Freedom to become the strong, beautiful woman I always knew was inside of me.

Do you ever feel like...

  • You are tired, sluggish, and drained.
  • You’re uncomfortable in your own skin.
  • You struggle with consistency and having a routine.
  • You’re sick of depriving yourself of food for results.
  • You’re done feeling guilty for that extra glass of wine on girls’ nights, or that beer watching football with your man, or that juicy steak you want! 
  • You’ve hit a plateau in your fitness journey and need an extra push. 
  • You’re frustrated with what the number on the scale is telling you.
  • You are ready to LOVE your body instead of being ashamed of it, but don't know where to begin.
  • You want to be supported by a group of like minded women that just "get" who you are?

And you want to...

  • Feel confident and comfortable in your own skin
  • Make healthy living a FUN adventure
  • Find FREEDOM from restrictive diets that cause you anxiety and make you feel deprived

Then girl, you are just like me and holy balls, you were meant to read this. And guess what? I created this experience just for YOU so that we can share in this journey together :)



  • Group + individual online accountability in our private Facebook community to share your journey with ladies on the same path!

  • A community of badass, supportive women who will become some of your bestest friends.

  • Daily check ins with ME as your coach. I'll be there for you to help keep you feel inspired and motivated!

  • A resource vault with recipe e-books, meal planning strategies, and all the information you need to feel successful and prepared.

  • A real food nutrition plan and workout strategy that’s customized to fit YOU. Whether you’re a single girl in the city, a busy working mom, want to lose a few holiday lbs, get over your sugar addiction, or just feel great in your skin -- I've gotchu girl.

  • 30 all-natural superfood shakes to cover all your nutritional needs, give you energy, and help curb cravings.

  • A membership with Beachbody On Demand. Aka Netflix for workouts -- it's AMAZEBALLS, and you don't have to leave your house to get an amazing group fitness workout, right in your living room!

  • Lifetime access to me as your coach, because girl, once you're in, you're in FOR LIIIIFE.


Beautiful girl, it's time to invest in YOURSELF. 

To put yourself first & find your HAPPY. If you choose to join me, I will be your LADY FOR LIFE. Changes don't happen overnight (and I'm the first to admit that!), but TOGETHER, I promise you will get to feeling like the confident, strong and GORGEOUS GAL you crave to be.

Are you excited? Nervous? WITH ME? Because I am here with you, every single step of the way. I’ll not only be participating in this Challenge right along-side you, but I will be your one on one personal coach, encouraging, guiding you and constantly reminding you that you are worthy of your dreams.

I know it's scary to make a change. And the first step is always the hardest. But I promise you that it is worth it. YOU ARE WORTH IT. 

I believe in you -- now it's time for you to believe in YOU too, lady love.

After you submit your application, I'll be in touch with ya via email to chat about your goals, make sure that I'm the right gal for you to help you on your journey & create a bangin' plan that meets your needs! No upfront commitment expected at all ;)

I cannot freaking wait to get to know you!

Xo Amanda

Why aren't we kinder to ourselves?

Kindness has been on my mind a lot lately.

I've seen it in myself, and with so many of the ladies in my Challenge Groups -- the shaming, the cutting words, the shitty ways we speak to ourselves after we've "messed up", done something "stupid" or "failed". 

It's pretty incredible how much we can shit on ourselves. Yup, I said it, shit on. You know you do it, too. Hell, I would be shocked to find a woman out there who has never once said something shitty to herself. Let's face it, we all do it.

This is something I've been actively working on changing in my own life -- paying attention to the thoughts that go through my brain, and catching myself when I have a thought that's unkind or doesn't serve me. And I've found that just by getting curious with my thoughts and allowing myself to be aware of them, that they have been happening less and less. 

But the other day, I caught myself being really unkind to myself about something -- I don't remember what it was, but I was BLOWN AWAY at how harsh & negative I was choosing to perceive myself in that moment. And I thought to myself, "Jesus, Amanda. Why can't you just be kind to yourself? You're doing the best you can."


And it really got me thinking...WHY do we do this in the first place?


This is something I've been grappling with for the past few weeks, and based on my own personal experience and what I've learned from my never ending endeavour into personal development books, I have a few theories...


Why we aren't kinder to ourselves:

1. Our Ego

Our Egos often are the reasons we don't accept ourselves for where we're at. You know all of those thoughts of you won't be happy/worthy until you're a better person, or you have a better job or you're in a relationship, or your making more money? Yup, that's your ego talking, girl.

For all my perfectionists out there, I know you feel me on this one BIG time because I was RIGHT there with ya --- Self proclaimed recovering perfectionist at your service.

We think we don't deserve happiness or praise because we haven't reached whatever standard of perfection we think we need to attain. But we don't have to be perfect to be happy NOW.

2. We repeat what we see

Imitation is the highest form of flattery, right? Well, it can also be a detriment to ourselves if you're imitating the wrong person. 

Most people I know have someone in their lives (a family member, friend, teacher) that is just an all around negative nancy, expressing judgement after judgement, being highly critical of other peoples actions and behaviors. Chances are, they are probably also expressing these feelings with respect to themselves. 

When we're surrounded by people who are unkind to others and to themselves, especially at a young age, we learn that that is OK. Heck, that it's normal & just what you do!

3. Compare compare compare

We live in a society where so much of other peoples lives is on display and, because of that, it gets super hard not to play the comparison game. So, instead of focusing on what is going well in our lives, we focus on what we don't have, or what we feel like we "should" have accomplished by now.


How we can turn that Negative Nancy around and show ourselves some love & kindness:

1. Pay Attention to your Thoughts

Notice your automatic negative thoughts, and try to replace them with neutral or positive ones. For example, instead of saying something like "I'm so stupid" or "I really messed that up", try replacing them with "I made a mistake, but I can learn from this" or "I'll do better next time."

2. Speak to yourself like you would speak to your Best Friend

When your best friend messes up, do you tell her what a terrible person she is and that she isn't worthy of feeling happiness? Hell to the no. (And if you do, you just aren't a good friend...sorry to break it to ya.) You lift her up and tell her that mistakes happen and that they don't DEFINE you. 

So the next time you catch yourself being unkind to yourself, I want you to think, what would I say to my best friend if she were saying these things to herself? 

3. Focus on the GOOD instead of the SHIT

So often, we put all of our focus on what is NOT going right in our lives (and so often, we have no control over those things!) I want to encourage you to start focusing on what is going WELL in your life. On all of the things you HAVE done. On your successes. 

Start to notice all of the little things you accomplish each day and congratulate yourself on those things! Take five minutes before you go to bed and write down 3-5 things you accomplished that day. By focusing on what you DID do instead of what you DIDN'T, you'll be in a much better mindset to accomplish the other things down the road :)

Personally, I've found that by implementing these things into my life, that I've been much happier. It's so crazy what a small shift in perspective can do to one's happiness -- Just by CHOOSING to be kinder to myself on the daily. And it has made me so much more compassionate for others as well...

Yup, let's just say that this girls road rage has significantly decreased in the past few months. Which, for anyone that knows me super well, knows that this is HUGE for me.


What has been your experience with this? Have you been able to get curious with your thoughts and shift them to something positive?

I would love to hear all about it! Feel free to share in the comments below, or to message me directly if you'd like to chat about it some more. I'd love to hear from you!

What is Beachbody Coaching?

If you’ve spent any time with me in the past few months, you’ve probably been subjected to a non-stop gushfest on Beachbody, Coaching, and Shakeology. I can't help it you guys, I'm just too stinkin' happy not to share!

I am literally so freaking happy with my decision to become an independent Team Beachbody coach. It has truly changed my life in just a few short months. I am happier. Healthier. And more in touch with what I want out of life than I have ever been. So I thought it was high time I shared a little more about what it’s all about!

I came into this opportunity knowing five things about myself:

1. I am hugely passionate about health and fitness.

2. Nothing makes me happier than using my life experiences to help other people make positive changes in their lives.

3. I love sharing my passions and connecting with others.

4. I am motivated by a challenge.

5. If there is a way to make a hobby or passion into a side business, I am ALL ABOUT THAT.

Since December, I have led dozens of amazing, motivated women through the 21 Day Fix, and everyone who has committed to the program has seen REEEEDONKULOUS results! And not JUST physically, but also mentally. It's been SO FREAKING INSPIRATIONAL. And I am am completely in love with running Challenge Groups, sharing my experiences, and motivating others to help take the first step towards their fitness goals!


The company

Ok, so I am extremely skeptical of "get rich quick"/ "too good to be true" schemes and am majorly turned off by hard-sell tactics and the network marketing model in general because, let's just say I've have had some super uncomfy experiences in the past where people have been incredibly pushy and scammy and I'm just NOT ABOUT THAT. So you can imagine I did a shit-ton of research before signing up, just to make sure that there weren't strings attached to this coaching business. 

My Conclusion: Nope, no strings attached. No overhead. No requirements to buy OR sell anything. Basically no risk, but unlimited potential for growth if you really want to take your business to the top. The structure and tools are there, you just get to plug in and see where you want to take it with the time that you have to set aside. And when I saw that what I'd get to be doing is building relationships with genuine, like minded women and helping other people achieve their goals and enjoy healthy, fulfilling lives, I was IN. 

The more I learn about Beachbody as a company, the more confident I am in this organization. Not only are the products incredible and actually WORK, but the integrity of the company itself is unreal. Founded in 1998, Beachbody at its core is an American health and fitness brand that is famous for its renowned and results-oriented at-home fitness programs created by celebrity trainers. Have you ever seen an infomercial for P90X or Insanity? Yup, that's Beachbody. 

And the best thing?!?! Anyone can sign up to be a coach. Whether you are a complete fitness newbie or a freaking personal trainer, doctor/lawyer/teacher/actor (*cough* me *cough*), if you have lost 50 pounds or have 50 pounds to lose, if you want some extra accountability, want to help others, want some extra income to supplement your full time salary, or want to be the Girlboss of your OWN biz and work on your OWN terms.


What do Beachbody coaches do?

-They love Beachbody products (Shakeology and fitness programs) because the products work. And Shakeology is addicting...Seriously, I call it my magical unicorn shake. It deserves its own blog post.

-They use their STORY to share with others who might also benefit.

-They run these super FUN online Challenge Groups -- aka support and accountability groups with likeminded peeps that GET YOU.

-Coaches are committed to building relationships, and making sure that each client has the most successful experience possible and moves at least one step forward towards reaching their ultimate health goals -- whether that is to simply gain a little muscle tone, lose 100+ pounds or is wanting to develop a healthier relationship with food. There is LITERALLY a program for everyone, no matter your fitness background or level!

-Coaches do some sort of "personal development" every single day, to make sure they are constantly striving to become the best version of themselves possible in every aspect of life. We're not just working out robot machines! We also spend time every day working on buidling a positive inner relationship with ourselves! 

The only actual financial commitment? A $15/month coaching fee to maintain your websites/so you don't have to do all the super boring and taxing shit like shipping/packaging/etc. And then you get a 25% discount on anything, and get all the incredible opportunity for support, love & accountability!

When you become a coach, you are essentially starting your OWN health and fitness-based business. You're not an employee of the company, but you become an independent distributor, which is kind of like being a contractor. You get to use the Beachbody as a PLATFORM to launch YOUR dreams of becoming a Badass Girl Boss, just by sharing what you LOVE and helping others make positive changes in THEIR lives. It's freaking awesome.

And the best bonus of all? You get to join our goofy #TeamInspireJoy Family and have an immediate community of gals who just GET YOU and will become your best friends. 


What I’ve gained through becoming a "coach":

-The confidence to OWN who I am.

-Motivation to stick to my own workouts and nutrition.

-Friendships with authentic and amazing women around the country who are just like me.

-The ability to believe that my dreams ARE possible.

-The ability to help women to gain confidence, feel strong and empowered, re-define their relationship with food, and to be able to be that tiny burst of light and support in someone else's life.

-A FAMILY of gorgeous gals on my team who share my exact same values and passions.

- A flexible schedule to run my own business on MY OWN TERMS, and make a side income through doing what I love.

-I'm living and breathing my philosophy every single day: Eat more, eat better, ENJOY life, “treats not cheats,” Balance is key & that the key to JOYFUL LIVING is to do something that lights you up inside, every single day.


I have also been able to meet ladies who are just like me and mentor them as coaches on my own team, and it feels like going into business with my best friends. It's incredible how you just feel that CLICK when you put your heart out there. You end up crossing paths with people who just get you. I don't even know how to really describe it. I've never experienced something like it before.


Coaching is that “thing” that I didn’t even know I was missing. A path that is bringing all aspects of my life into one clear focus. I guess you know that you’ve found your passion when you're doing something that you literally can’t stop thinking or talking about. That lights a FIRE in your soul. 

If your soul is CRAVING something more out of life, or you're just looking for a COMMUNITY of genuine and loving ladies who will support you along your health & fitness journey, this opportunity might just be for you.


And if you're still reading this, well, GIRL, this is clearly a sign and what the heck are you waiting for? 


Wanna get join in on the fun?

I would be STOKED to chat more with you about your health & fitness (heck, and LIFE) goals and help you take the first step! Whether it's losing those pesky last 5 pounds, feeling confident in your own skin, learning how to fuel your body through healthy eating and proper portion control, do a full fledged push up, overcome your emotional eating habits, or being able to finally truly LOVE yourself from the inside out. You are NOT alone. I've been there and I've had so many ladies in my Groups who have dealt with ALL of these things too. 

If you wanna join in on my next Challenge Group:

If you're super passionate about Healthy living and want to learn more about how you can pay it forward and create a side business through helping others (and yourself!), please don't hesitate to reach out! I'm obviously so freaking stoked about this opportunity and would LOVE to chat about it with you some more. You can learn more about our mission HERE

Xo Amanda

Because Burgers can be Healthy Too

With the warm weather starting to hit, I don't know about you but I really start getting the major urge to have a good, juicy burger. So when Kevan suggested that we make our own last week, I was DOWN for the task of finding a way to fit it into my healthy meal plan.

Don't get me wrong, I'm ALL about indulging in the occasional burger, because, let's be honest, Chicago is home to some of the BEST I've ever had, but I was excited to tickle my recipe brain again and see if I could whip up something delicious and that feels indulgent but is actually super healthy!

And I have to say, I'm pretty freaking proud of what I came up with. And it fit completely into my whole foods portion control meal plan that I've been following this month! 


Makes 4 Servings


100% Grass fed beef, 1 pound

Whole wheat burger buns (or you could use lettuce!)

2 small Zucchinis

1/2 Spanish Onion

Whole Wheat panko bread crumbs (normal bread crumbs work just fine too!)

Egg whites

1 tbsp Garlic Powder

Italian seasoning (optional)

Sea salt



1. Preheat oven to 400 F and get cover two cookie sheets with aluminum foil

2. Cut zucchini in "fry like" shape and chop onion in half and separate into rings.

3. In bowl, mix together the Bread crumbs, Garlic powder and Italian seasoning. In separate bowl, place 4 egg whites. 

4. Dip each zucchini fry and onion ring in the egg whites. Then, place in the bread crumb mixture, making sure to thoroughly coat before placing on the cookie sheets.

5. Once all of them are coated with bread crumbs, place in the oven for 20-25 minutes (or until browned and crunchy)

6. While the veggies are baking, mix the ground beef with salt and pepper, to taste, before forming them into patties. 

7. About 5 minutes before the fries are ready to come out, start cooking the patties on a heated and oiled cast iron skillet (about 30 seconds per side, if the heat is right) -- also DELICIOUS grilled!

8. Serve on a toasted whole wheat bun (or using a big lettuce leaf as the "bun" if you've had your daily carbohydrates earlier in the day) add mustard, veggies if you like, pickles if you're like me and you're good to go!!!!!!

For my Fixers (per serving): 2 Yellow (if you're using the bun), 1 Red, 1.5 Green

A delicious alternative to "fast food", am I right?

And the BEST PART? All of this cost $6!!!!!!!!!!!! For 4 WHOLE ENTIRE MEALS. Whoever said eating healthy (and deliciously) cost more money than eating out/fast food is a liar I tell you, a LIAR!!!! 



Quick Fixes Don't Work: How I Learned the Hard Way

I can't tell you how many times I've heard...


"What's the diet I can go on to lose 10 lbs before my vacation next week?"


"I ate like shit this weekend. I definitely am going to start that juice cleanse tomorrow! That's the best way to balance things out, right?"


"If I get two hours of cardio in today, that'll cancel out the pint of Ben & Jerrys ice cream I just ate, right?"


People can get so wrapped up in how to get results TOMORROW and want to find the easiest path there, that they resort to slim downs, cleanses & diet pills. And as a gal who has been there and tried that, let me tell you that IT DOESN'T WORK. (If you want to read more about My Story, click HERE)

Sure, we'll probably go down a few pounds on the scale, but do you maintain the weight loss? Do you stick to the workout schedule? Has this transformed your life and you're the happiest you've ever been?

If you're anything like me, the answer is NO.

Most of us go back to the same patterns as before, and lose all of the "progress" we've made. And sometimes (yuppp I was there too) we fool ourselves into doing that quick fix again because it "worked".


But here's the thing, Quick fixes don't work because they are just that ... a quick fix.


They are a bandaid.

They don't fix the underlying problem:

our often distorted and unhealthy mindsets around food and exercise.

4 Things Diets Do:



When was the last time you heard someone on a diet say: "Man, I LOVE being on this diet! Counting Calories and being hungry all the time is the best!" Probably never. Because it SUCKS. I know so many women (myself included!) who have attempted the quick fix through various means and the one thing I continue to hear throughout the process and after they've finished is how unhappy it's made them. And isn't the whole point for focusing on fitness and healthy living to be HAPPY?! 


By temporarily restricting food, the levels of stress in our brains increase, which sets off insane cravings and can lead us to binge. Ever done a slim down and then as soon as you were done feel the need to eat EVERYTHING and ANYTHING in sight? I've been there, and let me tell you, it's not pretty and it makes you feel like SHIT.


As soon as your body senses deprivation, it responds by going into self-preservation mode - aka your metabolism slows down, making it actually HARDER to lose weight. 


While a quick fix might jumpstart your health and fitness journey, it's unlikely to be something that you can (or should!) follow for longer chunks of time. When you cut a whole food group out of your diet -- take carbohydrates for example -- your body will eventually become deficient in all the nutrients and benefits provided by that macro-nutrient, which can eventually lead to further health problems. A healthy eating plan includes ALL the macro and micro nutrients that your body needs to SHINE!

Taking the time to really listen to your body and really figuring out what works for YOU (because we are all different!) is the best way to move towards a healthy lifestyle that you can maintain for the rest of your life.




Starting tomorrow, make one small change in your diet or exercise routine. See if you can sustain it for a week. 

If so, make another small change in your diet or exercise routine. See if you can sustain both for a week. Repeat over and over and over again until the changes become habits.

It’s not a sexy process, I know.

But it works. Time and time again.

And if you need the accountability, come hangout with me and the other amazeballs women in our Live Your F*ck YES Life Community! 


Have you ever tried a quick fix diet or exercise program? Did it help you move forward towards your health and fitness goals or did it create further issues in your journey to healthy living? 

I’d love to hear your experience in the comments below!

Why Self-Care Is Not Selfish

I always used to think that focusing on myself was selfish.

I put ALL of my energy into other people, and poured myself into all of the numerous obligations and commitments that I took on in my life.

I was a YES girl. The idea of letting someone down was not an option in my world (and is still something I battle with to this day), so I did everything in my power to make every one else happy, often at the sacrifice of my own personal well being.

But here's the thing: what I failed to realize for so long is that by not prioritizing myself and my self care, I wasn't able to be my best self

Last week, my hubby Kevan and I had to move out of our brand new home in our cute, cozy neighborhood in Logan Square, into a glorified dorm hotel room in the heart of downtown Chicago. And to be 100% REAL with you, I have had a really hard time handling it. 

I haven't lived, or really ventured much, to the loop (Chicago's downtown area) since I was in College. I may be an extravert, but man oh man do I appreciate being able to come home to a safe, quiet and comfortable space. A place where I can create, relax and connect with myself and my thoughts. And a teeny tiny hotel room in the middle of downtown just doesn't do that for me.

I never realized how much impact my surroundings have on my emotional well being. And let's just say that this past weekend, I hit my breaking point

I was in a MOOD.

Chances are, if you're anything like me, you know exactly what I'm talking about...

Feeling like nothing is going right and feeling helpless because you feel like there's nothing you can do about it.

And nothing that anyone else says or does can possibly make you feel better. 

So you end up spending the day drowning in self-pity and frustration. 

SUPER FUN, am I right?


Feeling like shit is just NOT what I signed up for in this life. 

So, after spending the day feeling super mopey and like there was nothing I could possibly do to make myself feel better, I made a decision.

Instead of focusing my energy on the things that I couldn't control and on how frustrated and uncomfortable I was with our situation, I made a promise to myself that I would switch my focus to what I COULD CONTROL. That I would make it a priority, every single day, to do the things that make me feel HAPPY & GROUNDED.

To put Self-Care at the top of my To-Do List.

What does this mean to me?

To me, self care isn't just about taking a bubble bath or getting a massage (although that can be part of it), but it's more so about a state of mind. And a decision to stand up for yourself and decide that you are worthy of true happiness.

It means putting my own needs first.

It means listening to myself and honoring the signals that my body is putting out.

It means carving out time in my day to do the things that light my soul on fire, instead of numbing my mind with hours of Netflix (as tempting as that may be).

It's doing things like waking up early for my morning workouts because it will start my day off feeling energized and strong. 

Or harnessing my creative energy and working on a project that I've been putting off because there were "other more important things on my to-do list".

To me, Self Care is all about taking ACTION on how I want to FEEL.


...And guess what? It worked.


Just be shifting my MINDSET, all of the overwhelm, the frustration & the pain went away.

Is my situation still the same? Yep. Are a bazillion things still out of my control? You betcha. But by implementing self-care into my day to day life -- by placing my energy into doing things that made me FEEL good -- I was able to turn everything around for myself, and become a way more enjoyable person to BE around as well ('Cuz yup, as I'm sure you've noticed, when you're not taking care of yourself, it's damn near impossible to take care of other people in a way that's positive for them!)

True self-care is about honoring, nurturing and loving ourselves, and it is fundamental not only to our personal well-being, but also to our relationships with the people closest to us. It empowers us to be more generous and truly available to the relationships with the people closest to us. 

It also is not always EASY. It takes COURAGE & true DEDICATION, especially for those of us who are so used to giving all of our energy away. 

But is it WORTH IT. Hell to the fucking yes.


Because when you start taking care of yourself, AMAZING THINGS HAPPEN.


You'll feel amazing & nourished from the inside out.

You will be able to bring LIGHT and JOY to your relationships and everything you do.

You'll be the most effective and energetic version of yourself. 


Here's a quote from The Desire Map by Danielle Laporte that has really STUCK with me:

"Small, deliberate actions inspired by your true desires create a life you love.
When you’re not feeling the way you want to feel, it can take just a small gesture to shift your state of mind. Seek out environments that match your desired feelings.
You can change your life daily, practically, through small, deliberate actions. Let the beauty and the power rub off on you. The idea is that you do easy, natural things that are aligned with your core desired feelings. These small, steady actions won’t change your life in a flash, but they will change your life day by day."



I cannot say enough good things about this book. It has taught me SO much about living my life in connection to my values -- and it literally helped me uncover what my core values (or what I like to call the things that light my SOUL ON FIRE) truly are. If you want to really dive in and get down and dirty with your self-care, I cannot recommend it enough.


In the meantime, I encourage you to take 5 minutes out of your day and write out how you want to FEEL. What your true values are. Dig deep, listen to your heart, not what your head thinks you SHOULD want to be feeling.


For example, my current Values are:



Once you've done that, write down things that you can be doing, on a daily basis, that would allow you to achieve those feelings. And here's the kicker, PUT THEM INTO ACTION. Because without actually implementing these things, you won't get to truly taking care of YOU. 


Show up for yourself, Lady Love. Even if it's just for 30 minutes a day. Because, hot damn, you DESERVE to be happy.

And man oh man are you WORTH IT.


All the Love & Light in the world,

Xo Amanda

p.s. I would LOVE to connect with you about this! Email me your Values & we can chat about how to really DIG IN and take care of YOU. :)