binge eating

Episode #123: I Spent Years Hiding | A Solo Episode


In todays solo episode, Amanda candidly shares about her pattern of hiding — something she’s been actively working on in therapy for the past few years.

She deep dives into the ways in which she’s hidden in her life — via her years of eating disorder cycles, hiding her goofy self because of her years of being bullied all the way to hiding her sexuality and propensity to polyamory.

Wanna know how to fully embody your fuck yes self? Breaking the pattern of hiding is a crucial step. So let’s deep dive into this emotionally raw episode and bring the tissues — you may need them. She certainly did.


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Episode #108: The Truth Around Eating Disorders & Coming Home To Our Bodies with Lindsey Hall


Last week on the podcast, I shared about my personal eating disorder recovery story, and today, I am so thrilled to welcome a friend, ally and all around advocacy queen around all things eating disorders and recovery to expand the conversation and deep dive into the truth around what these cycles look like and how body toxicity and diet culture has impacted all of us in a myriad of ways.

I know many of you are as excited as I am to have her on the podcast, but if you’re unfamiliar with Lindseys work, I am so honored to get to be the one to introduce her to your world. She’s truly the most amazing combination of truth teller and tender hearted soul with a heart of gold, and I know her words and this conversation are going to seep into your soul as much as they have mine.

Lindsey Hall (she/her) is an award-winning eating disorder recovery speaker and writer, focusing on what she refers to as "the nitty gritty topics often not discussed." Having struggled with the eating disorder cycle for many years, Lindsey has actively been in recovery since 2014, and is the author behind "I Haven't Shaved in Six Weeks," an award-winning blog written to humanize the stigmas of eating disorders, treatment, PCOS, and recovery.

Through her writing, she has had the privilege of speaking around the world on nuanced topics such as Body Dysmorphic Disorder, Drunkorexia, Exercise Addiction, Orthorexia and other eating disorder behaviors, and has been featured in publications including TODAY Show, CBS, Washington Post, Bustle, Cosmopolitan, Women's Health, SheKnows, NEDA, SHAPE Magazine, Refinery29, Recovery Warriors, Project Heal, and more.

Her future dreams in recovery advocacy are focused on owning and converting a van to take it on the road so she can report on treatment centers and eating disorder resources around the country in a dream she's envisioned as "Recovery on the Road." Currently, she resides in Boulder, Colorado, with her Benjamin Button rescue dog (the vets have no idea his age), a loveable, runt kitten, and a lovely community of folx around her.

Things we talk about in todays episode:

  • Lindseys eating disorder and recovery story

  • The cycle of eating disorders & how and why it shows up for most humans

  • The detrimental nature to our psyches around all things diet culture

  • Ways to support your own healing process

  • The importance of kindness, learning & owning your shortcomings

  • The ups and downs of navigating movement & exercise through recovery

  • The post of Lindseys that changed the game for me in my own recovery journey this year

  • Learning about the brain and how it impacts how we see our bodies

  • A moment of my recovery story I’ve never talked about before

  • Triggering messaging and foods, body toxicity, and beyond.


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Lindseys cereal post

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Episode #107: My Eating Disorder Recovery Story | A Solo Episode


This episode is coming out almost 5 years to the day of my rock bottom of my eating disorder — something I didn’t realize until I started recording this week.

I haven’t really talked about this subject and my story around my eating disorder in its entirety on the podcast before. Mostly because I haven’t been ready. I haven’t known how to put into words what the experience has been for me because, really, as anyone navigating the cycle of eating disorders and/or body dysmorphia and shame around our bodies knows, the recovery process is an ongoing one.

Today, on the podcast, I share my story and what my recovery process these last 5 years have really looked like. And I deep dive into what the last 3 months in particular have taught me about what it can really mean to come home to your body and feel liberated in your own skin.

Whether you’ve experienced or are in the throws of an eating disorder or not, if you are a human who has ever felt shame around your body, if you’ve struggled to love and accept yourself for all of yourself and have lived your life from a place of shoulds and overwhelm, this episode is for you.

Episode #90: What I've Learned About Myself A Month Into Quarantine | A Solo Episode


How can we use this time to develop a deeper connection to self? Listen to todays episode. I’ve got you.

In this episode, I share about what I’ve learned about myself in a month of quarantine. It’s been a wild and bumpy ride, for all of us. And I’ve had SO many things on my heart that I’ve wanted to share with all of you so this episode was a MUST.

I hope that in sharing my heart, you can hear your heartbeat through these words too and know you’re not alone.


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Episode #87: The Fuck Yes Threesome | A Solo Episode


Get your head out of the gutter — or don't. Who am I kidding. You KNOW threesomes and anything taboo are welcome here! Ha.

In today’s episode, I’m sharing a quick mindset tool to help you navigate all of the stress, fear and anxiety you’re facing right now — something I’ve coined the Fuck Yes Threesome.

Why are positive coping mechanisms more important than ever right now? I bring ya some science nerdery on how our brains and bodies are wired and what you can do to help avoid chronic stress burnout and debilitating health impacts from this pandemic with these three simple steps.


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Episode #86: A Conversation Around How To Navigate Life Amidst The Corona Pandemic with Rachel Wright


Today’s episode is different than anything I’ve ever shared on the podcast.

This past week has been tumultuous for all of us. We’re experiencing a pandemic. Something we’ve never had to navigate in our lifetime and it’s impacted ALL of us. Deeply.

So today, I brought on my dear friend and go-to source on all things mental health, psychotherapist Rachel Wright, to have a transparent and support-filled conversation In hopes that for even just one of you, you can feel less alone. Heard. Or maybe, just maybe, share a perspective with you that isn’t yours. That causes you to think outside of what you know and experience. And grow.

This is not a training, although we do share tools to help support you amidst all of this discomfort, fear, anxiety, loss, grief and beyond.

This is an invitation to a conversation around what you’re feeling amidst all of this. I hope you’ll join in.

Episode #69: LYFYL Pep Talk Series | The #1 Thing You Can Do To Live Your F*ck Yes Life {What My Trip to Europe Taught Me}


To close out our LYFYL Pep Talk Series of season 3, I’m sharing the NUMBER ONE tool I deep dive into with all of my clients around stepping into living their f*ck yes lives — so buckle up!

And how fitting that my Euro trip was the biggest reminder of this exact thing…

In today’s episode, I share:

  • a word for word journal entry from my trip that I knew needed to get into your earbuds

  • the exact path I took that took me from rock bottom (knee deep in a binge eating disorder, working 7 jobs, living paycheck to paycheck and having weekly panic attacks) to living MY f*ck yes life

  • The #1 tool that you can start implementing TODAY in your own life


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Episode #57: Why Celery Juice is a Load of Bullshit | A Solo Episode



For the longest time, food consumed my life. I was OBSESSED with every diet trend — the celery juice craze y’all are sooooo in love with? I would have 100% been on that train a few years back.

I had convinced that the only way that I could be “healthy” was to eat bird food and rock every diet trend in sight (which caused my mental health and bank account to suffer REAL quick), and eating quickly became my least favourite activity because it truly controlled my life.

Not to mention it led to years of yo yo-ing like crazy.

Why I’m so AGAINST the trendy diets and health hacks like celery juice? They more often than not ‘cause our bodies to go into distress and lead to the inverse of our intentions: OVEREATING.

Do you struggle with this too? You are SO not alone.

Now I am NOT saying this is true for everyone on the planet. We ALLLLL have different needs and triggers. But I know my gals, my overachieving all or nothing, yo yo dieter babes. If you’re not that and don’t struggle with this shiz, move on sistah ;) But if this resonates hard core, this episode is for YOU.

Things I tackle in todays episode:

  • How this trend has become so huge without any science backing it up

  • How this craze reflects a lack in critical thinking happening in society

  • The power of the placebo effect

  • My own history overcoming chronic eczema

  • Debunking the myth of this craze

Episode #46: Gut Health Matters: Heal Your Anxiety Naturally, Live Happier & Feel Your MF Best | A Solo Episode



“The food you’re ingesting and is being absorbed by the gut directly impacts your mental health/anxiety in profound ways.”


Two things so many of us struggle with on the daily (I know I’m raising my hands), but they’re treated as SEPARATE issues.

The reality?

The two are SO freaking linked and nobody EVER talks about it. I know I have personally struggled with anxiety for YEARS and it was something that perpetuated my binge eating. I would feel anxiety coming on and I’d turn to pints of Ben & Jerry’s and all the MF chips and dips this gal could stuff in her face to numb my feelings, only to make my anxiety worse...

And the cycle continued.

Can you relate?

Maybe you struggle with both. Maybe you are living with anxiety and it’s taking over your life and you feel constantly overwhelmed, exhausted and burnt out. Maybe you’ve tried every diet under the sun and are TIRED of feeling like food is controlling you and you just want to be able to FEEL ENERGIZED and HEALTHY. 

Well, YOU CAN. And it starts here.

Here are a few things I touch on in todays episode:

  • The 5 major symptoms you might have that can tell you if you’re gut is healthy

  • What healthy poops look like

  • The path out of brain fog/exhaustion

  • How I healed my eczema

  • How to overhaul your gut in just 3 days

  • 3 simple steps to support your gut health you can implement today

Episode #38: Orthorexia and the shit no one talks about in the fitness world | A Solo Episode



“If you’re not happy with something in your life. Whether it’s your health, your relationships, the way you talk to yourself, the way you prioritize things, your job…literally anything in your life. You are in control. You are at the drivers seat. And you have the power to change your life if you decide to.


A word that until a couple of years ago, I had no idea existed, and yet, applied so wholeheartedly to my relationship with fitness for years.

How does fitness fit into your life?

Do you approach it from a place of lack? Working out because you at that cookie and you’re trying to “work it off”? Or because you are trying to get in shape for that big trip so you can look “good in a bikini”?

Or do you approach it as a gift? Something that gives you energy? Brings positivity into your day? Makes you feel confident, happy, vibrant?

Today’s episode dives into the pitfalls of fitness and how to move out of a negative mindset around fitness.

Episode #27: LYFYL Pep Talk Series | Becoming a Consistency Queen on your health & fitness journey


"How do you have so much energy?"

"You're so consistent - how do you stay motivated?"

I get questions like this into my inbox all the time and why I've decided to dedicated an episode of this series to this very topic.

The truth? I find it so ironic that this is my most requested topic because 3 years ago, I was the FARTHEST thing from consistent, especially on my health & fitness journey.

And I've spent the past few years accumulating tools and resources to be able to create motivation and consistency in my journey that has allowed me to find the energy and confidence I have today.

And I'm excited to share these tools with you so you can get there in YOUR journey too!

In today's episode, some of the things we discuss are:

  • What it actually means to be consistent on your health & wellness journey
  • How to show up as your most confident self
  • The truth about motivation
  • And so much more!

Episode #14: How to go from where you are to where you want to be | A Solo Episode



"If I were to continue on this path doing the things that I do, surrounding myself with the people I do, acting the way I do in my life -- will I in 5 years, in 10 years be happy? If the answer is no, it's time for a change."

"You're so happy and successful and it seems like you've gotten it all figured out -- how did you do it?!" 

I remember saying this to one of my Instagram friends turned future besties 2 1/2 years ago amidst my quarter life crisis. I was a MESS. Miserable in pretty much every area of my life and I just assumed I was destined to live that way for the rest of my life.

What I didn't realize was that I was the one holding myself back from being the woman I wanted to be.

That I had the power inside myself all along to make a freaking CHANGE in my life. 

And today, I'm sharing the 3 simple things that propelled me into finding my purpose, healing my relationship with food and exercise and creating positive and uplifting relationships in my life. 

Here are a few things I touch on in todays episode:

  • Why perfectionism stunted my growth

  • The time in my life when I thought there was no hope of anything getting better

  • My journey through binge eating

  • The 7 areas of growth

  • The power of your brain

  • How to move towards pleasure and away from pain, and its importance in achieving your goals

  • The 3 simple steps to adopting a growth mindset